Private FibroScan®

Transient elastography for the measurement of liver fibrosis

At HCA UK our hepatologists can provide Fibroscan® technology in London, Birmingham and Manchester 

What is a Fibroscan®?

FibroScan® is a quick, non-invasive measurement of the elasticity of liver tissue, without the need for a biopsy. It is a similar process to an ultrasound and carried out as an outpatient test where you can go home straight after.

Using high frequency sound waves, FibroScan® measures how elastic or stiff your liver is, to assess scarring and damage. Liver fibrosis refers to a scarring of liver tissue. It is the liver's response to injury; and can, in some cases, lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

Need to know

  • What happens during your liver scan? icon plus

    You will be asked to lie on an examination couch and put your right arm above your head. The specialist will find the right place on your abdomen to perform the scan, place a probe on it and trigger the probe to start.

    Soundwaves will emit from the probe in pulses, and pass through your skin to your liver and bounce back. This will feel like a gentle flick against your skin and shouldn't hurt. The scanner measures the time it takes for the sound wave to bounce back.

    This is repeated at least 10 times to ensure accuracy. The mean (average) reading is then calculated by the scanner ‒ this shows your liver stiffness.

    The procedure takes 10‒20 minutes in the screening room.
  • How to prepare icon plus

    You'll be asked not to eat or drink anything for two hours before your FibroScan®. However, small sips of water or clear fluid are permissible but not large amounts of fluid. You should continue taking any prescribed medication.

    While you won't need to remove any clothing for the scan, we will need to expose the right side of your abdomen. Therefore we don't recommend that women wear a dress on the day of their scan. 

    Right before your scan, you'll also be able to ask the nurse any questions you may have. Provided you are happy to proceed, the FibroScan® procedure will commence.
  • After your scan icon plus

    As soon as the FibroScan® is finished you will be able to leave.

    The result will be sent to the consultant and they will discuss it with you at your next outpatient appointment with a view to advising you appropriately on a treatment plan.

Find a liver specialist

Our world-class consultants are all experts in their fields and they are all dedicated giving you the best quality, individual care, using our state-of-the-art equipment and facilities.

Our locations in London

From complex liver surgery to diagnostic tests and procedures, we provide exceptional hepatobiliary care across our network of hospitals, outpatient centres and specialist clinics. Book a consultation with a liver specialist

Private Fibroscan in Birmingham

Private FibroScan® in Manchester

Book an appointment

Our team can help with any enquiries or you can make an appointment with one of our experienced consultants.

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020 7079 4344
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.
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